
, , - February 18, 2011

It doesn’t matter what you’re doing or where you are, having dependable equipment and quality provisions that you can rely on will make all the difference in the world when faced with a demanding situation.That’s why WFI decided to converge on three of the most fundamental commodities when it comes to making sure people are ready to endure any obstacle: Food, Water and Power. Whether the goal is to be fully prepared with emergency food storage, to assemble all the necessary survival gear for the ultimate survival kit, or just to equip yourself for an extreme high alpine adventure, whatever...

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, , - February 02, 2011

Every new chapter of life is an adventure, and it took plenty of thought, research, preparation and hard work to get to this moment. So we’ve determined that today is monumental for us as we officially turn the page, and announce the launch of the Buy Emergency Foods blog. Long before this exciting moment we realized that the foundation of being truly prepared for an urgent situation consisted of three basic necessities: Food: Most people can go longer without food than they can without water, but the two work in tandem. Sustaining your energy with simple to prepare meals that...

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