Emergency Preparedness

, , , - July 21, 2011

For those of you not completely familiar with the concept of the Worst Case Scenario you can check out an earlier post I wrote about turning this concept into blog entries involving emergency food storage, survival kits and overall emergency preparedness with scenarios that could happen, but also might be very unlikely. So today I wanted to rekindle that idea and present a worse case scenario situation I’ve been thinking about recently. My house is 110 years old, and to access the cellar you’ve got to go outside and down a crooked set of concrete steps underneath my deck. It’s...

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, - July 20, 2011

Those of us that have taken the time to carefully put together emergency preparedness supplies may need to reevaluate our survival gear. There are many simple items that are often overlooked and very useful in case of disaster or emergency. In addition to the prime basics including emergency food storage, water storage and shelter items, there are several items that are extremely helpful and often necessary in survival situations. Most of us have a first aid kit in our emergency survival gear. But, not everyone has one of the most important companion items to a first aid kit, which is...

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, , , - July 14, 2011

I’ve always had a few battery powered emergency preparedness flashlights tucked away in various spots in my house just in case of a power outage, but they rarely ever get used. In fact, I kind of forget about them until I happen upon them by accident, or open a drawer and notice that for some reason the light is actually on. Having a backup light with a dead battery that you’ve hidden from yourself is not an effective way to be prepared for a blackoutThat’s why portable solar panel and crank flashlights are an important part of an emergency preparedness...

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, , - July 12, 2011

People have a lot of different ideas about how to make emergency food storage work for themselves and their families. It’s true that despite what ends up in our pantry, the end goal is to be ready for anything—even if that means having enough food on hand to satisfy a midday craving, or prevent a full blown no food in the house crisis. Every once in a while a product comes along that ends up getting utilized well beyond its intended purpose. Such is the case with the Legacy Premium products offered on the Buy Emergency Foods site. The delicious...

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, - July 07, 2011

They are often called bomb shelters, bunkers, pillboxes, fall out shelters and raid shelters. While they may represent war and political unrest they also represent a rich history in emergency preparedness, national and private defense and the best in all encompassing survival gear. There are many ways that people can pay tribute to bomb shelters old and new. There are several books written with bomb shelters as central parts of the story. This literature can give us a peak into the rich history of emergency shelters in the United States and internationally. Dancing in Bomb Shelters by Johanna Wycoff is...

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