Emergency Preparedness

, , - May 09, 2011

Let me start with a disclaimer. This is not a glamorous subject. In fact you might think it’s kind of gross. Ordinarily I might have a hard time finding an angle that makes this topic resonate with anyone living in an urban setting (or anywhere for that matter), but...

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, , - April 20, 2011

Having a well-supplied first aid kit is important for day-to-day living, and is an emergency preparedness requirement. Accidents happen all the time, and we all know how to squeeze a little dab of antibiotic ointment and apply a band-aid, but the basic...

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, , - April 18, 2011

We all have different things in mind when we create an emergency preparedness plan, but have you really thought of every possible scenario there is in order to ensure you’ll be ready for anything? I mean anything. Thanks to the good folks in Hollywood...

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, , , , , , - April 14, 2011

In a previous post we covered some of the things that potentially pollute our water supplies, and offered a few recommendations on what we can do to decrease the chances of drinking contaminated water. So...

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, , , , - April 11, 2011

Historically, the United States has one of the safest and most reliable water sources in the world, offering clean water to cities and communities all around the nation. But is the tap water in your house really safe? How vulnerable are we to contamination?...

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